You dream big.

You feel connected to the Earth, Stars and Universe.

You sense that your life is meant to be so much more.

You’re not going to settle for less than a fully awakened life.

Don your wings and
live your spark, beautiful one.

We ask ourselves,
“Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?”
Actually, who are you not to be?

― Marianne Williamson

we are each on a quest for the emergence
of our best, truest, and noblest self


You have always sought the deeper meaning in life, looked beneath appearances, and gone your own way.

You desire to be seen, heard, and understood by being both strong and vulnerable in your relationships.

You want to wake up and go to bed happy and fulfilled, and live fully in between.

You want to be a positive force for community and planetary awakening.

You are ready for a deeper inquiry into your true calling and to follow it with both trust and confidence.


"Why" is an inquiry into life's deepest questions: Why am I here? What am I meant to be and do? Your quest begins here.

Most of us intuitively know that our current way of living on this planet is not sustainable.

Our problems result from being out of balance with life and out of tune with our soul's calling.

The truth is, we are infinitely creative and loving beings. We need to shift to a higher, heart-centered frequency and help others do the same.

Only then can we find fulfillment and impact the social and political forces at play.


Living your spark happens when you align with the source of consciousness, manifest your deeper purpose, and transform
resistance and fear.

When you give life to your dreams, you give energy back to life. You Live your Spark.

Focusing on your purpose with positive emotion and relaxed expectation breeds success.

Tapping into the power of your being, which is creative loving spirit, changes everything.

Reframing obstacles as opportunities is possible when you experience yourself aligned with the creative life force.

The "What" is Your Life. the "When"... is Now.

Facilitation for

is a partnership established for the sole purpose of supporting you in creating the life you most desire. As a facilitaor, my role is to empower you to step up and take the reins of your life firmly in hand, by giving you practical tools and encouragement. Throughout this process, I support you in discovering more of what makes you truly happy and alive. I also challenge you to make important choices and to believe in your own vision of your future.

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“John-Michael has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share and I found his non-traditional ways of getting to the bottom of issues both exciting and effective.”
                                   –Linda L.

Navigating Chaos

Times of great change can feel chaotic. Our once-reliable beliefs and behaviors no longer bring us comfort and predictability. Don’t worry. It’s just life’s way of inviting you into a bigger story. Learn to unravel the gifts within the experiences of chaos, and find a deeper realm of truth and guidance.

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Have You Written your Love Letter to the World?

There comes a time for all of us where we feel a call to something new and different, a new way of being in the world that expresses our most heartfelt values. Your love letter is your announcement to yourself and of yourself, a commitment to share and co-create the world you most want to inhabit.

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The Power to Command your own Narrative

To become the author of our own life means we must rise above the stories we inherited from our family and the world around us. Such stories seem real, even unavoidable, but the truth is, our experience of reality is subjective and malleable. When you understand how this works, you enrich your capacity to author your own story.

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Do this first if you’re trying to change a habit, reaching for a new goal, 
dealing with a relationship challenge, or if you just want to be happier & more fulfilled.

Start your day bringing your body-mind-spirit into alignment with an attitude of gratitude, possibility and connection, and

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