Our evolutionary possibilities

For most of us, our deepest desire is to be a positive force in the lives of our loved ones, our community, and our world. We deeply want our families to be happy. We want our work to contribute to the well-being of others. We want to create friendships that are intimate, supportive, and committed. We want to be the source of greater joy, love, health, and abundance for ourselves and the world. We feel a great need to stand up and make a difference, to transform the destructive conditions of racial tension, crime, abuse, pollution, homelessness, hunger, the disinheritance of our children and elderly, and other denials of the human spirit. In our hearts, we know we can be so much more than the roles society seems to offer us. But with the enormity of challenges our world faces, we may find ourselves wondering, “What can I really do?”

In our quest to rise to the level where we can fruitfully take on these challenges, we come face to face with the fears and distortions we have acquired through our life’s experiences and collective programming. If we’re not careful, we can let this “flow of opposing traffic” stop us. Instead, we need to stop trying to avoid, change, deny, or indulge our reactive storylines and instead allow them to rise and rest in our natural creative loving presence. As we release our identification with the contents of our thoughts, feelings, and sensations, we can finally see our unique creative talents and how they want to express in each and every situation. We come to demonstrate the love and forgiveness that we are. When we commit ourselves to the process of awakening, we assume full responsibility for our individual well-being. Only then can we fruitfully extend our power and love to others in need, and so create a lasting impact in the world.

We must each take on the work of personal transformation and then extend our learning to help create and sustain an opening for the emergence of radiant, powerful, heart-centered beings in others. Stretching our wings against the cocoon of past experience, we come to realize that we’re on the brink of a very big transformation, the revelation of who we are as infinite beings. Along the way we begin to experience synchronicities — life’s little gifts that tell us we’re on the right path. The more we open in gratitude and trust, the more we feel the universe leaning in our direction, the pulse and harmony of life reaching out to us. Moments of deep peace and states of ecstatic inspiration and mental clarity come to us more often. We experience ourselves coming home.

One profoundly useful tool for undertaking our innerwork is music. Music carries us beyond the mind and grounds us in the present moment, where our true being resides. Frequency, melody, harmony, and rhythm all reconnect us to our inner nature by carrying us beyond thought, feeling and perception to that indwelling consciousness, also called “the great perfection,” the unity of both being and becoming that is Who You Are. Who You Are wants to be free to express its beauty, love and truth — its core infinite and eternal qualities and creative impulses.

Who are you to say no to Who You Are?